bréf frį Amerķku!!!

[17. nóvember 2008] John Zufelt, starfsmašur fjįrfestingabanka įšur en hann fór į eftirlaun, sendi žessa merkilegu grein. Séš frį mķnum bęjardyrum žį er žetta allt efnislega rétt. Peningakerfiš er gildra og best vęri aš gefa śt gulltryggša sešla. En žaš viršist fullmikil bjartsżni aš halda aš $650 milljónir nęgi žegar nżr gjaldmišill er bśinn til. Tķu sinnum hęrri upphęš hljómar nęr sanni, en kannski getur einhver glöggur mašur reiknaš žetta dęmi.

Hitt er svo annaš mįl aš tugmilljónir einstaklinga śt um allan heim fjįrfesta ķ gulli og ekki allir nenna aš geyma žaš ķ bankahólfi. Flestir kaupa “pappķrsgull” eša hlutabréf tryggš meš gulleign. Žaš leikur enginn vafi į aš ef Ķsland tęki upp 100% gulltryggša sešla og fólk treysti žeim žį myndu ótrślegar upphęšir streyma inn į bankareikninga hér frį öllum heimshornum.

En gefum John Zufelt oršiš:

Goodbye Iceland

There is a saying in English: ‘Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!’ It seems most fitting in your Country’s present situation as you are about to be ‘fooled’ for the second time by replacing a failed banking system, with the very same system, which failed in the first place.

I can assure you the new system will fail because they are designed to fail; designed to create bankruptcies and mortgage defaults, and designed to transfer their bad debts upon the unsuspecting tax payers, like you and me. Just look at the history of the Federal Reserve and the multitude of bailouts over the years the 95 years since its creation.

To describe such a system designed for corruption and failure, first one must have a Central Bank that prints currency out of paper, backed by nothing but the government’s ability to tax its citizens. This newly printed money is usually issued as new debt. This is a fast way for governments to raise money without public approval and increase their spending. Printing such pretty colored paper without regard to economic production, causes inflation; Economics 101 – when the money supply is increased without equal increases in goods and services, inflation is automatic and cannot be avoided.

The second piece in the puzzle of a corrupt system is to allow the country’s banking system to expand the money supply through Fractional Reserve Lending. Most people do not understand this most important scam, and this is perhaps the main reason why a second banking system in Iceland modeled after the first, will also fail. It works like this: Your Central Bank prints, for example, 10 Billion ISK and deposits it into the various Icelandic banks. Under Fractional Reserve Lending rules, the banks are required to hold 10% in reserves and can loan out the remaining 90%, which sounds simple enough but now comes the smoke and mirrors, and the true magic of Fractional Reserve Lending.

Let us say for ease of explanation that Bank A, receives the total 10 Billion ISK from the Central Bank, it must hold 1 Billion in reserves and is free to loan out 9 Billion. Now chances are that this 9 Billion loan will be deposited into another bank, and let’s say that Bank B receives the deposit of this 9 Billion. Now it is free to do the same equation as Bank A did. It keeps 10% or 900 million and then loan out 8.1 Billion. Now the 8.1 Billion gets deposited into Bank C, and it does the same equation – keeps 810 million and loans out 7.29 Billion, and so forth and so on for a grand total of 27 times! The original 10 Billion has now grown 9 times the amount of the original deposit of 10 Billion to a new grand total of 90 Billion ISK. That is true money creation, and when you realize that the original 10 Billion ISK was printed from paper (with no backing) to begin with, and then through Fractional Reserve Lending expanded 9 times with keystrokes on a computer, you begin to see the power of today’s banking system. Banks A, B, and C are not restricted to loans to individuals, say for a car or house, in fact they don’t like the effort attached to such small business. They want big loans and big investments to really get the interest flowing.

At this moment in Iceland you wait for a new loan. It is like paying off the Visa Card with the Master Card. I would urge you to first look at how many countries that have received IMF loans have ever gotten out of debt, and while you are at it, how many of those same countries have been forced to sell their railroads, transportation systems, water rights, airspace to waiting US Corporations?

So is there an alternative? Absolutely! It would give Iceland one of the strongest currencies in the world, and would offer very low inflation (historically less than 1% per year), plus it would enjoy world-wide acceptance. The answer is to return to the gold standard and prevent the banking system from Fractional Reserve Lending. Banks should return to their original function – to safe-keep real assets and to issue currency based on those real assets. They would be paid a fee for this service and God knows they love fees, and better still, there would never be another bank failure.

To demonstrate the viability of such a system, I ask a question: if Egill's treasure were found today by some unsuspecting farmer near Borgarnes, would it have value? The answer of course is yes because it was supposed to be gold and silver, which has a value today just as it did in Egill's time and it would have kept up with inflation and still be 'worth a fortune' in present times.

The most successful currency in the history of man has been those tied to the gold standard. A coin containing gold has immediate world-wide value and cannot be discounted nor manipulated. The best example is the "Solidus" (or nicknamed the 'Bezant') that was coined by Emperor Constantine in Constantinople in the 4th century A.D. It contained 65 grains of gold and this currency became accepted all over the known world for 800 years. If the Bezant were in existence today, it would still have a real value. 65 grains of gold equals .1369 troy ounces, multiplied by current gold price of $700USD/ounce, equals $95.83 in US dollars. This would be the current and indisputable world-wide value of the Bezant today. What other ancient currency can make this claim?

The problems that got Iceland into this mess and indeed so very many other countries, is the debt-based monetary system that prints worthless pieces of paper and issues them as debt. It was debt that got you into this situation and the "experts" now say more debt will get you out. I believe the reason so many of your citizens are thinking of leaving Iceland today is that in their heart they know that these future loans and increased debts will enslave all future generations of Icelanders as well as hand over your assets of fishing and energy and airspace, etc, etc to the bankers of the world.

My suggestion is this: As a person might go into bankruptcy and start over, so should Iceland. Say to the world, "we are very sorry, but this is what has happened. We will endeavor to repay our debts when we get going again." And to 'get going again' accept a loan from a like-minded country like Norway (currently said to offer $650 million USD value) and with this money buy gold and mint a new currency tied to gold. As with the Bezant it can have a defined number of grains with a 99.99% purity and will immediately have world-wide acceptance and value. As you get back on your feet repay your old debts and regain your pride that has been so badly injured.

To go along with this, the new banks of Iceland must stop issuing Fiat money (worthless paper) and stop the practice of 'fractional reserve lending'. The banks now become issuers of 'script money' backed and fully exchangeable' into gold. In this way there will not be inflation to take away the value of the currency, and as gold is accepted around the world, the NISK would also be guaranteed that same acceptance. Banks should return to their original function of safe-keeping real assets, and not the printers of worthless paper and speculative investors.

Of course the current 'expert' bankers will aggressively challenge all I have said because they want their debt machine to continue, but I have no doubt that a NISK (New Icelandic Kroner) tied to gold will protect the value of your currency in future and allow your economy to restart and restart trade with the world, but most of all to keep your heritage and your assets for the future generations of Icelanders.

I believe you now have a great opportunity, as no other country in this moment and that is to build a proper, strong and safe banking system that will be a model to the rest of the world. I consider myself lucky to have some wonderful Icelandic friends. My spouse and I have enjoyed your warm hospitality, fantastic food and breath-taking landscape, and we wish you all luck in your future survival.

tekiš af

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Sęll Hinni minn.

Žaš er nś gaman aš sjį fólk meš barįttuanda.

Ég vil nś sķšur skemma stemmninguna en ég hugsa aš hugmynd žessa įgęta manns žurfi aš skoša gaumgęfilega įšur en menn fara aš męla meš žessu.

Hugmyndin er sķšur en svo nż į nįlinni og hefur of veriš notuš ķ gegnum tķšina og Nżlegasta alvöru tilraunin var žegar veršmęti dollarans var fest viš 1/35 śnsu af gulli eftir seinni heimsstyrjöldina ķ svoköllušu Bretton Woods systemi. Žaš system féll um sjįlft sig žegar gullbyrgšir heims uršu uppurnar.

Nokkur atriši sem ég ętla aš henda fram įn žess aš skżra mikiš en žś getur bara sest nišur og lesiš žér til ef žś vilt skoša žetta betur.

Gull er um žessar mundir mjög dżrt og hefur ca tvöfaldast ķ verši sķšan um mitt įr 2005. Gull hękkar venjulega ķ verši žegar óvissa er mikil ķ heiminum (flight to safety) og lękkar žegar menn verša öruggir meš sig. Ef gull myndi lękka aftur, žį myndum viš tapa į žeirri fjįrfestingu žannig aš ekki er vķst aš tķmasetningin sé heppileg.

 Ekki er rétt aš ekki sé hęgt aš manipuleita gullmarkašinn. Reyndar var eitt stęrsta manipuleit sögunnar žegar dollarinn var meš gullfót og einn ašili nįši aš einoka markašinn og olli hruni dollarsins og varš einn af aušugari (og óvinsęlli)mönnum heims fyrir vikiš.

Einnig mį nefna aš ķ upphafi voru stjórnvöld sem voru meš gullfótinn mikiš aš fikta ķ gullfętinum, mešal annars aš breyta upphęšini sem ein mynt stendur fyrir (gengisfelling). žetta geršu stjórnvöd til aš aušvelda rķkinu aš greiša skuldir sķnar og einnig til aš koma hjólum atvinnulķfsins af staš. Žetta leiddi oft til žess aš traust į myntinni minnkaši og fólk hljóp śt ķ banka žegar fréttist aš slķkt stęši til og breytti öllum peningnum sķnum ķ gull. viš žaš fóru bankar į hausinn žvķ žeir gįtu ekki afhent allt žetta gull į réttum tķma žvķ žeir höfšu aš sjįlfsögšu lįnaš śt eins og bankar gera en stóšu ekki meš innistęšurnar ķ gulli uppi ķ hillum.

Peninga margfaldarinn, sį mekkanķsmi sem mašurinn lżsir aš ofan sem gerir žaš aš verkum aš sama krónan er lįnuš śt 10 sinnum, er mikilvęg olķa į hjól atvinnulķfsins. Ég held aš hann breytist heldur ekki žó aš viš vęrum meš gullfót. Hins vegar er žetta aš mķnu mati įgęt athugasemd hjį honum en ekki nógu djśpt kafaš og hann hefur ekki rekist į raunverulega vandamįliš. Žaš sem geršist ķ ašdraganda žessarar fjįrmįlakreppu hefur meš žetta atriši aš gera žar sem stjórnvöld ķ heiminum hafa fyrir slysni eša andvaraleysi leyft bönkunum aš lįna sömu krónuna miklu oftar en 10 sinnum eša hvaš žaš nś er sem žykir ešlilegt. Hedge sjóšir sem viršarst hafa stašiš fyrir utan regluverkiš gįtu veriš notašir ķ raun til aš bśa til pening fyrir hagkerfiš.

Žetta er svolķtiš flókiš mįl og ég žarf eiginlega aš skżra žetta fyrir žér ķ sķma ef žś įtt aš skila žetta vel en ķ einfaldri mynd er žaš sem geršist žannig aš bankarnir gįtu tekiš lįnasöfnin sķn, einkum lįn sem žeir höfšu veitt til fasteignakaupa og pakkaš žeim saman og selt hedge sjóšum žau žannig aš žegar višskiptavinirnir greiddu af lįnunum, žį fór peningurinn beint til sjóšanna. Bankarnir gįtu lįnaš sjóšunum fyrir žessum kaupum en vigt žeirra lįna var minni viš śtreikning eiginfjįr žannig aš meš žvķ einu aš gera žetta žį skapašist rżmi ķ hagkerfum heimsins til aš lįna meira. Žetta leiddi til žess aš žaš varš óvenju hagkvęmt fyrir banka aš lįna til fasteignakaupa sem aftur leiddi til žess aš fasteignir hękkušu ķ verši sem enn leiddi til žess aš hęgt var aš lįna meira. svo geršist żmislegt fleira sem leiddi į endanum til žess aš hagkerfi heimsins voru oršin of voguš, ž.e. of mikiš af eignum og of mikiš af skuldum sem gerir žaš aš verkum aš lķtil lękkun į eignaverši veldur miklum töpum vķša ķ kerfinu.

Žetta er ķ raun ašeins flóknari śtgįfa af žvķ sem žessi góši mašur er aš segja hér aš ofan. En svipašar ašstęšur komu upp ķ löndum sem voru meš gullfót į sķnum tķma. Gullfótur leysir ekki žetta vandamįl.

Ein hugleišing fyrir žig Hinni. Hugleiddu hvernig hagkerfi viš hefšum ef ekki vęri žessi peningamargfaldari? ž.e. aš bankarnir gętu ekki lįnaš peninga sem fólk leggur inn ķ žį.  

Snębjörn Siguršsson (IP-tala skrįš) 24.11.2008 kl. 10:52

Bęta viš athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.


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